Ruddington Opens Its Gardens AND Remembers Jo Cox

RuddFest may be over for another year but you can look forward to two MORE big community events in our village this month – both on the same weekend.

Firstly, Ruddington Parish Council is hosting The Great Get Together again this year – on Saturday June 23rd.

Councillor Paul Reedman writes:

“Building on the success of our Community Picnic last year we are increasing our activities and, for the more sedate amongst us, we are holding a Great Get Together Tea Party at the St Peter’s Rooms from 2.00pm – 4.00pm. Cake and drinks will be available, and local musical trio, Songs 4U, will entertain us with songs of yesteryear. Bunting and table decorations are also being prepared to brighten up the room. This event will be free of charge thanks to the many, generous donations of local people and support from the Parish Council.

The Great Get Together began two years ago following the murder of Jo Cox MP. Communities all over the UK will come together inspired by Jo’s belief that ‘we have more in common than that which divides us’. This is a non-political event which is taking place across the UK and is merely intended to bring communities together and to combat loneliness.

But we haven’t forgotten the picnic. Join us at the Ruddington Great Get Together Picnic on the The Green, also on Saturday 23rd June, from 12.30 – 3.30pm. Invite your neighbours, friends and family. Pack up your lunch, blanket and games for the kids and join us for some fun in the sunshine!

Please come along to one of our events. Contact friends and neighbours and encourage them to do the same and consider whether you know anyone who may spend too much time alone and whether they would benefit from having a singalong and meeting new people. Perhaps you could bring them along?

Secondly, the first of two days of Ruddington’s Open Gardens also takes place on Saturday 23rd June. Why not combine things? Pick up a programme from Ruddington Coop on the day or in advance from Thomas James Estate Agents. There will be lots going on, including free rides on a 1950s Birmingham Corporation bus (although donations are invited to Save the Children and Action for Children!) and free entry to the Framework Knitters’ Museum with an Open Gardens programme.”

For more information on the picnic you can contact Paul via or visit the website.

Here are Paul Reedman’s other photographs from last year’s picnic. Can you spot yourself?

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